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Nazi concentration camps

Film evidence of Nazi Atrocities: Various Concentration Camps, April 1945 CUs, mutilated mangled bodies lying on ground. German civilians cart them on litters to common burial grounds, under the direction of US military police. MS, charred human torso is placed on litter. MS, Catholic chaplain conducts rites for dead at altar set up on hood of jeep. LS, American soldiers looking down into open burial pit filled with bodies. LS, CUs, charred bodies of the victims. LS, MSs, corpses in grotesque positions lying inside barbed wire enclosure. MS, CUs, cadavers stacked on trucks. INTs, crematories. CU, oven door open showing bones of human skeleton. MLS, mangled and mutilated bodies stacked on floor. HAS, burned buildings in concentration camp with bodies lying in wreckage. CUs, partially burned bodies entangled in electrified barbed wire fence. CUs, partially burned bodies in a shed and barracks. MCUs, Russian women crying near barbed wire fence. LS, MSs, US Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar N. Bradley, George S. Patton and Walton H. Walker inspect the camp and view the dead bodies strewn on the ground. Inmates demonstrate how they were tortured by the Nazis.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn1003778
  • Gardelegen, Germany
  • Film
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