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Esther Pauline Lloyd: camp diaries

Esther Pauline Lloyd was born in London in 1906 of Jewish parentage. She later married a non-Jew, having relinquished her Jewish identity and brought their children up as nominal Christians, which, according to an entry in her diary, she later regretted.<br /><br />Having been deported without her family by the occupying Germans in February 1943, she later managed to successfully appeal the decision and was released in April 1944 and allowed to return to Jersey. This collection consists of two surviving diaries of a British Jewish resident of Jersey, Channel Islands, whilst in internment camps first in Compiegne, France, and later Biberach, Germany. In addition to a daily account of life in the respective camps at Compiegne and Biberach, the diaries contain notes, addresses, recipes and draft letters. Open

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • gb-003348-wl1607
  • Lloyd, Esther Pauline
  • Deportations
  • Jersey
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